Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Control Through Food

"If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny".....Thomas Jefferson.

Yet that is exactly what The Food Safety Act does…

GMO’s are Genetically Modified Organisms. They are seeds, and food additives that are man made or cross bred between species in a laboratory. In general they allow food growers to grow more of something at a cheaper cost. The trade for that is the destruction of our health, and every other living thing on the food chain. Obviously the price is too high, yet the companies that make GMO’s are trying to pass laws that will make it illegal to grow anything that is not from GMO’s.

Codex Alimentarius is a committee formed by the UN in the 1960’s to regulate international standards on food production. That was its official duty, however like many UN / Rothschild schemes, there was an ulterior motive. Their true goal is to benefit large corporations, obliterate small farmers, and regulate in the secret agenda of the world government. It’s been quite successful over the last four or more decades at killing small farmers, small corporations, and is poised for final victory. The criminalization of growing your own food!

There is an even more sinister part of this plan. It has to do with depopulation. By controlling the population of people through the food that you give them. You can make them increasingly sicker, and you can also control which populations of people ultimately live or die.

"We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries."
- David Rockefeller, founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

The goal of these “supranational sovereignty” planners is to create an efficient money making machine for themselves, that funnels all the world’s profits to them in the most efficient way possible. Also in a way that is self sustainable. This idea of sustainability is key. They believe that the optimum level for this will be to only have 500 million people on the planet. Thus they have called for and begun what they are calling “The Great Culling”.

That will mean the mass extinction of 6.5 billion people, or 90% of the earth's population. Too much for any one war, or event. Instead they have decided to “soft kill”, or slowly kill people over time, by gradually weakening people’s immune systems. When people’s immune systems are gone you can kill them with the slightest cold germ, and be held blameless. In fact they will say that the people did it to themselves by allowing use of toxic chemicals over a long period of time. The perfect crime.

Einstein has said that when the bee’s die, within 5 years, the people of the earth will die too. Well, the bees are dying. It is believed to be related to the GMO pesticides, and food that is made unnaturally in a test tube. These GMO’s allow for soft kill. You can kill everybody if you just do it slow enough. Most people will not even realize they are dying until it’s too late. The key is to destroy the immune system. Eventually they will die from simple germs, and the true criminals never have to act upon them or deal with their resistance.

If you are old enough, you may remember a time when your throat wasn’t sore all the time? Why is it that you think rates of Autism, Cancer, and Mental Illness, are climbing so. How much longer will you wait? How much sicker do they need to make you, before you believe that this is real? How long before you stand up for yourself, and stand up for your children?

Be more careful what food you buy. Support companies who use non GMO and non irradiated foods. Support the opposition to implementation of Codex Alimentarius. This is an international effort run through the United Nations, which has been slowly, over the last several decades been trying to change countries food regulations to support GMO grown food over natural foods, and vitamin supplements. Spearheaded by big money corporations, like Monasanto they seek to regulate smaller companies and individual farms out of existence. They have been successful in many countries around the world and soon similar regulations making non GMO foods ( natural ) illegal are likely to go into effect here.

The time to speak up and voice your opposition is now. You need to let your representatives know that you do not want them voting for anything that contains Codex Alimentarius regulations. Let your friends know too, and check the food that you buy to see whether it is being made with GMO seeds. You will be surprised at just how much of what most people eat has been genetically modified.

To make greater profits, companies are developing “terminator seeds” technology. Natural seeds yield a crop that grows back each year. Those a good farmer can get many good seasons out of a bag of seeds. A healthy crop will replenish itself. This however is not profitable to seed companies. Terminator seeds however, last only one season. Each year farmers will be forced to purchase new seeds. This drives up the price of farming, and the price you pay on the shelves. To those on the darkside, this is merely business.

The long term health effects of Codex Alimentarius, terminator seeds, and GMO’s cannot be known. We do know however that cancer, autism, and neurological disease rates are rising. Time is running out, both in our outside world, and inside us.

Dr. Leonard Horowitz has devoted his life work to exposing that wall street bankers, population planners, and scientists, favorable to the globalists depopulation agenda, have been purposely infiltrated into every level of government, both here in the United States, and around the world. Toxins meant to dumb down, sterilize, and slow kill most of the world population, are being exposed to people, primarily through vaccinations.

Vaccine depopulation in the western world, works by destroying the immune system response slowly, over time. Live toxins, neurological agents, cancer causing chemicals, and adjuvants are mixed in with the supposed regular vaccine. An adjuvant ( in theory ) is a chemical agent that is added to a vaccine to strengthen the vaccine’s potency against whatever the vaccine is protecting you from. Thus, if the vaccine is for something like the flu, the adjuvant is used to make it stronger at killing the flu virus. It can, however, have harmful effects on other cells in the body. Many adjuvants are known now to have carcinogenic, and neurological effects. The vaccine makers know this and still use them. Why? Because they want to depopulate you!

Some vaccine makers throw in high levels of adjuvants, or even live viruses and cancers. Some are from humans, and some are from animals.  This has been admitted to by people from the companies themselves. The effects are the same. A slow kill, and culling of the world’s population, profitably. The sicker you become, the more drugs you have to buy.

Billionaires like Bill Gates are financing development of alternative means of vaccination, since the number of people refusing vaccinations is skyrocketing. They reportedly are looking at using nanotechnology to put vaccines in food, and even in mosquitoes., and deliver the toxins by stealth, without the need for a person’s consent. The are also targeting legislation and mandates, particularly among children, since their adult parents, are declining vaccinating in droves!

Many of the biggest depopulationists sit on the boards of the drug companies, government agencies, the media, and financial institutions. They have even disguised philanthropic organizations to do the exact opposite of what the public thinks the organization is there for.

My heart weeps when it thinks about the evilness of some of these people. They have plotted and schemed for hundreds of years. While the people toiled and slept, darkness grew up around them. As Wayne Dyer has said, this will be the first generation that will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. This will also be a generation that will not make as much , per capita, as their parents did. They will have more toxins and releases of toxic chemicals, such as the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico or depleted uranium used in bombs, bullets, and all the weapons we spread around the world.

The 5 Big’s : ( Owned by the same banking families )

1. Big Pharma: Pharmacuetical Manufacturers
2. Big Chema: Chemical Manufacturers
3. Big Techna: Technology Companies
4. Big Medica: Medical Industry
5. Big Agra: Agricultural Industry

The 5 Bigs are your real enemy. They are working together, and working against you. The only question left is what are you going to do about it now that you know…???

There are videos below to educate yourself further on what is being done to you. There are also petitions included that you can sign. Above all else talk to people about this…

Food Safety Bill

What is Codex Alimentarius

Agenda 21 For Dummies

Man Fined $5,000 For Growing And Selling Food On His Own Land

Food Inc.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Communicating With Your Energy Field

There are individual energy fields around everything, including you. It is a conscious, vibrant force; that you can learn to communicate with. There are some simple steps you can learn to begin the communication right now…
~ Dr. Kazi Kearse PsyD.

The following is from my upcoming book:
Broke Is Not Broken: Manifesting Abundance In An Age Of Chaos

After you find a technique you are interested in, you can watch the video at the end of each section, before trying it.

What Is An Energy Field?

It was not long after I came to understand that everything has an energy field around it, that I began to ask myself the fundamental question. To me, the fundamental question became what happens when we take conscious control over our thoughts? Can we physically manifest our mental thoughts? Is there a way to consciously cultivate subconscious resources towards fulfilling our goals and desires?

The answer to all the above questions is YES! Modern day researchers and practitioners are developing the use of scientific equipment and principles to study and harness subtle energy fields in and around all living things. Early researchers however, found out that when they took Kirlian Photography pictures of plants they would notice that the way they spoke to or interacted with the plants effected the images on the film.

Some have even begun to find that water molecules take different shapes based upon the thoughts that are sent to them. This has far reaching effects on our understanding of human potential since our bodies are mostly water. The findings from these investigations shout out a new paradigm. They prove to us all that thoughts are not just mental events, but also are physical events. Thoughts have energy, both electrically and chemically. These energies can be studied, and ultimately one can learn to manipulate them.

Modern science is beginning to use these new technologies more and more in our everyday world. Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatments are now reimbursable by many health insurance companies. These treatments use techniques based upon the manipulation of blockages in nerve impulses and chi within the human biofield.

Brain Imaging technology can now display for us exactly how changes in thoughts directly correspond with electrical and chemical changes in the brain. For example, if you think about emotion A, the area in the brain corresponding to A lights up on the screen. Then if you suddenly change your thought to emotion B, area B in the brain will light up, as area A dims.

Any electrical current creates an electromagnetic field. Every cell in our body contains many electrical charges with usually one dominant overall charge, either positive or negative, based on the sum and type of charges. Each cell becomes like a little battery, and as David Feinstein states in his many books on Energy Psychology, we each have about 75 trillion of these little batteries going on and off all day long. To help us navigate these vast interactions, we can begin by examining the flow of subtle energy. This energy flows throughout the universe. At the macro level, it hurls galaxies through space and at the micro level it moves energy throughout your body.

Feeling The Energy Flow Of Your Own Body

There have been many names for the energy field around the human body. Many cultures where aware of it. The Chinese called it Chi, and that is still one of the most popular names today. You can feel your own chi. Cup your hands slightly, and slowly bring them about 6 – 12 inches apart from eachother. Focus your attention on your palms and the space between your hands. Get quite, and see if you begin to feel something between your two hands. It may feel warm, or like a tingling. Some people feel a pulsating, or pulling, pushing sensation. Play with it. This is your energy field…

Feel The Energy Between Your Hands

Muscle Testing Technique

There is no longer any doubt that our bodies hold innate knowledge and wisdom that we are only beginning to tap into. Applied Kinesiology developed by Dr. George Goodheart shows us that certain Indicator Muscles can tell us whether the item we are holding is good or bad for us. His pioneering work was followed by Dr. John Diamond, who found that you could get the same results with emotional and intellectual stimuli. He called this Behavioral Kinesiology.

Proper training is needed to master these skills however the basic steps can be shown with just you and a partner working together. The first person, we’ll call the subject, stands up and holds their left arm straight out. The second person, we’ll call the researcher, places their left hand on the subject’s right shoulder, and their right hand on the subject’s extended left arm just above the wrist. The researcher then tells the subject to resist them trying to push the subject’s arm down. Only slight to moderate pressure or resistance is needed by either person.

The subject then holds and item that they want to find out about, against their mid section, somewhere that feels comfortable between your upper stomach and chest. You can also do this regarding a person, place, or thing. You can write it down on paper, or speak their name out loud. At that moment, the second person, or researcher applies pressure downward on the subjects extended arm. The arm will either stay strong, or will go downward, testing weak. A strong response means your body / higher self / God force sees that item as positive for you, and your greatest good. A weak response, or your hand going down, shows that your body / higher self / God force sees the item in question as not good for you. As David Hawkins MD. explains in his ground breaking book, Power vs Force, this technique has stood the test of time and has shown to be predictable, and repeatable with people of many different ages and backgrounds.

Muscle Testing With A Partner
( Slight Variation in Technique Shown)

Muscle Testing Yourself With Your Fingers

There are also various forms of muscle testing yourself. It is ok to use these self test techniques if a partner is not available, or if you want to ask yourself a quick question regarding your subconscious beliefs. You can also use it if you want to quickly check if something is good for you.

What you do is touch the tips of your thumb and pointer fingers together, on your least dominant hand. Your fingers should form a circle. You then take your pointer finger on your dominant hand and stick it in the middle of the circle. Ask a question, and then quickly swipe your pointer finger on your dominant hand, against the circle formed by your two fingers on your least dominant hand. See if the circle breaks. An affirmative answer will test strong, and your fingers on your less dominate hand will not give way. A no answer will be when the fingers on your dominant hand releases and gives way, indicating that the person, or thought in question, is not good for you.

Muscle Testing Finger Test

The Standing Pendulum Test

The Standing Pendulum Test is a third way to muscle test. This process combines the ability to hold the item you want to test, and the quickness and convenience of being able to do this work without having to have a partner. To do it, you stand up straight. If you are holding an item that you would like to test place it against you, in your solar plexus region between your upper stomach and lower chest area. Think of a question, and verbalize it out loud.

You will then begin to feel your body want to tilt in a certain direction. You will feel a pull forward or backwards. A pull forward is a positive response to your question. Your body / higher self / God force, is telling you that it feels favorable about the item in question. A pull backwards is a weak, or negative response from your body / higher self/ God force, and means that the item in question is not good for you.

You can do this with questions you have, or to access your innate knowing about a person, place or thing. For example, if you are unsure of your feelings towards someone you can hold a picture of them, write their name down on a piece of paper, or simply say their name out loud. Your body will either move forward, if they are good for you, or your body will tilt backwards if they are not good for you.

Standing Muscle Testing

*The above techniques are for self knowledge purposes only, and not meant to treat, or cure any mental or physical conditions, nor take the place of seeking a health care provider.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Behold A White Van

I have learned one thing when it comes to the government releasing information. "Where there is smoke, there is fire"! They only reveal the tip of the iceberg, and only after everything is in place, and already operating. So I take what they say, and multiply it many times over. So when they recently released information that the government is purchasing 500 mobile body scanning units, I suspected that the true number is well in the thousands!

This report will document activities at two known locations in question, however I suspect that there are other such sites around the country. The first site in question is not owned, out right, by the government, but instead was owned by a private sub contracting companing. In this case called Pegasus International. While officially having the public face of an event planning and travel company for the elite, it also has known CIA and black opps ties.

Would you be shocked to know that Pegasus International bought an old airpark in Florida that it secretly stocked up with thousands of white vans. It is said that as part of a CIA / NSA operation these vehicles may be outfitted with advanced spying technologies.

Pegasus International also does work with Cerberus Capital Management which just bought a company called Dyn Corp International, which is connected to Goldman Sachs.

What is interesting is that in Greek mythology, ( which the elite's love ) Pegasus was a horse, and it is said that everywhere he stamps his hoofs a spring appears. The town that the airpark is in is called Green Cove Springs. Cerberus is also from Greek mythology and was a half dog / half wolf beast that guarded the gates of hell ( The Hound Of Hell ). Odd that our government would hire such a company for contracts.

Originally when the air park in Florida was found by You Tubers, we thought the white vans were UN vans and were going to be used for mass evacuations of the Gulf states or martial law. That would not come to be. Instead their tue purpose appears to be domestic spying. They are not UN vehicles at all on the private Reynolds Airpark. “Reynolds Airpark” is listed in the Clay County Fla. tax rolls as being wholly owned by a company named Pegasus International ( up until recently, after the vans were dispersed ). They just happen to have an office in Salt Lake City, Utah. Here is where the plot thickens. Their SLC office also houses Dick Cheney’s Halliburton, and is next to the Minerals Management Service (MMS) offices. Worse, their U.K. office “address” is next door to (or possibly even a part of) British Petroleum as well. What is going on?? They also have “offices” in Turkmenistan, Nigeria, and Azerbijan – hotbeds of political intrigue and profiteering for BP. See

But — it gets worse, if possible. “Pegasus International” owns and operates Pegasus Technologies which is involved in a neat little NSA/CIA operation titled the “Information Sharing Council” or ISC. Their “unclassified” 2006 report, says the “Pegasus Program” is the deployment of thousands of vehicles across America, outfitted with domestic spying “Maximum Information Technology” (MaxIT) systems. MaxIT is a joint venture of the following companies: Appriss Inc., Bio-Key International, Inc., Business Communications Inc., Circadence Corporation, Cquay Technologies, Dell, eLabs Inc., MS e-Center and Sun Microsystems.

DynCorp and Pegasus International are basically joined at the hips with many international “joint projects”. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that DynCorp, and Pegasus are CIA FRONT COMPANIES involved in the deepest black ops. Dyncorp Int. was “purchased” back on April 12 by Cerberus Capital, and the “deal” was brokered by Goldman Sachs.

Dyn Corp says that they are a leading governmental service provider, in support of US national security and foreign policy objectives...What???...A private government spy agency???? Bought by a company that names itself after the Hound Of Hell...????

The second location shows similar rows and rows of white vans. This video below shows that they are unmarked. Are these similar to the white vans on the Florida air field? How many more of these secret locations are there? What exactly is in the vans? Is it more than body scanning devices?

The important thing to keep in mind is that this is not just a matter of invasion of privacy, or the publics right to know what the government of police are doing in your community. This technology has KNOWN heath hazards, and notifying is not the same as gaining our consent.

I hope I have helped connect some dots, and raise some questions in your mind. Obviously the American public ( YOU ) need to ask more questions of officials, and investigate this matter further....

For more info:

North Carolina White Vans

Florida White Vans

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Freedom Over Debt Slavery

" Money is the new form of slavery"
- Leo Tolstoy 1900 AD.

I want you to forget everything you were taught about history. Forget who you were taught won wars or lost wars. It is all lies, or at least so full of lies that it is essentially not trustworthy. You were taught that America is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. However in reality it is a government of an elite ruling class, in bed with elite large corporations, which are in bed with a small elite banking class consisting of a few very rich families. I'm not talking about the billionaires that they parade in front of you, and have you debate back and forth which one is still "the richest man in the world". I'm talking about the people who finance the billionaires. I'm talking about people who have trillions of dollars, and hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Money As Debt

The money elite use wars to generate wealth. Corruption, greed, and getting something for nothing has been business practice for centuries. They socialize the costs of war amongst the people, and then privatize the profits, to themselves. Until recently slavery has been very profitable for the few owners. However today the people will no longer stand for outright slavery, so the banksters had to come up with a new form of slavery.

Web Of Debt: The Shocking Truth About Our Money System

Their solution is Debt Slavery. Debt Slavery is practiced on a large scale by the International Monetary Fund (IMF ). The IMF is like a world bank. It is the center of the web. Each country's central bank feeds into it. It is a private bank whose owners are secret. Although my readers can guess who is probably behind it. They lend money to other countries, particularly third world countries. Part of the money goes to the government administrators who they have bribed to pass the necessary protections into law. The rest of the money goes to pay increasing debt. The IMF charges the country extremely high interest rates, which they know that the country can't pay back. They then say to the country's government go collect more taxes from the people and give them that money. Now each person works not to pay taxes for services, but instead to pay back their national debt to the bankers.

How The IMF Makes Debt Slaves

The international banking families own both the banks and the corporations that get the contracts that are forced on them to remove the country's debt obligations. So the bankers loan the money, but they are actually, in reality, loaning it to themselves. There is a word for this, it's called Racketeering! They collect interest payments, and taxes, and charge the people for the services. This is the formula that the banksters have used to take over the United States, and every country around the world. Just about all countries now have a central bank, privately owned, and beholden to answering to the world bank, or IMF.

The same formula is used on you on the individual level. Through their large international companies and political ties they cause prices of goods and services, and even taxes,to be so high that the average person must use credit to pay for them. Soon the credit becomes debt as the person slowly finds they are increasingly unable to pay for all these things.

Before they know it, they are a debt slaves. A slave does not need a fence to keep them in at night. For they know that there is no where to run, and they feel that there is no use trying to run anywhere, because the owners have the system all locked up. They are sure that before they could escape their condition, they would be caught, whipped, or worse, and quickly would regret ever running in the first place.

A debt slave cannot stop working. They would lose their home, means of transportation, and eventually their family would be destitute. Thus the fear that they will have no job, can be used by the owners to control debt slaves. It's like the boss man who is forever at watch over the plantation. You don't even need that many boss men. Just a few will do.

The Debt Trap

The banksters like to cause the debt to keep growing, because the more debt they can tack on to you, the more of your total income they can get you to fork over to them. That is why they were secretly so happy when they successfully caused the stock market to crash in 2008 and they started loaning out all those trillions of dollars. They knew that they would get to collect interest payments on every dollar, several times over!

Every person, whether you live in a third world or western country who pays money to their government through such things as an income tax is a debt slave. The income tax was only developed around WWII. It was sold to us as away to pay for government expenses, however the government sends it directly to the Federal Reserve Bank to pay the government's debt on the money it is loaning from the Federal Reserve.

Not one penny taken out of your paycheck goes for government services. If you are lucky enough to still have a job, and you receive a paycheck, you are a debt slave! Your money does not goto pave roads, it goes in the pocket of the international banking families, and the owners of the central banks.

The so called income tax is simply an invention of the banksters. The Federal Reserve Bank and the government needed a way for the government to pay the interest on the debt created, back to the Federal Reserve Bank. You were the ones chosen to come up with the money. As our debt increases, so will the amount of things they will need to taxes us on.

So they invent things like Cap AndTrade, and Carbon Taxes. These are just tricks to get us to fork over more and more money, that ends up in the pockets of the owners.

The Healthcare Reform Act of 2010is the same thing. It is a means for the elite to siphon money from the masses to their pockets. The IRS is the collection and enforcement arm of the international bankers who own it. Since they also own many of the large health insurance companies, they "get you coming and going". Meaning that they threaten you so that you pay your premiums to their healthcare insurance companies, and when you don't they fine you through the IRS, and collect money through your paycheck if need be. For the really naughty boys, they have the government, it's courts and police ready to arrest you if need be.

What we have in the world now is called Systemic Slavery. It is different from the regular slavery of the past. In this modern form of slavery, people still are paid to work. People are not paid much in this form of slavery, but enough for subsistence living. From that small amount, that the elite give us, much of it is returned through taxes, rents, food, and other living expenses paid to corporations / states. Even money collected by the government through the IRS, eventually trickles up tothe elite. The end product of this cycle of money and labor is we build more things for the rich to own. Make no mistake about it, these people will not rest until they have all the money, and all the power!

Why You Are In Debt:The Capitalist Conspiracy

My aim is to aid in bolstering your intelligence, and through the information I give out to you; supply you with the remedy. To this end I have developed a psychology of freedom, called Liberation Psychology. One of the keys to it I call the FREEDOM Principles. Not only is it important to learn each of these principles, but it is even more important that you live them in your life:

The FREEDOM Principles
F ight back against the New World Order....R esist the tyranny of the elite....E ducate yourself and others....E scape the matrix you were born into....D ivest from the corporate state....O vercome feeling helpless....M anifest your dreams and desires.

Fight back against the New World Order
What is the New World Order? By this point you have seen for yourself that it is a generalized term for a multi level plan to aggrandize a small group of people with a majority of the world's wealth and power. To achieve their ends they have corrupted our politicians, court system, military, corporations, medical, and governmental agencies.

Resist the tyranny of the elite

"The tree of liberty must berefreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" - -Thomas Jefferson

I will not pretend to fool myself, nor any of you, and say that it will be easy to defeat the international bankers. They have the money, the resources, and the organization in place. I want you to understand that times will get tougher before they get better. The price of this victory will be very high. It may cost you all you presently hold dear, even your very life.

Know Your Rights

The banksters begin to lose however, the moment you stop giving them power over your mind. One by one we can awaken and claim our independence. As you wake up, try to share this information with others. Non Cooperation is our key weapon. The more people that stop cooperating with the machine the quicker we can clog its gears. Give your heart and mind to the effort. Throw your body into the gears and bring it to a grinding halt!

Educate yourself and others
The amount of information you will be required to take in over the course of your awakening is vast. There are multiple sources for gaining insight and understanding of what has happened, and what is yet to happen. There are also proven strategies that you can learn to employ to defeat the agenda against you.

Understanding TheDebt System

Escape the matrix you were born into
In the movie, The Matrix, the main character, Neo has his adventure only begin when heis awaken from the Matrix, and sees for a fact that he had been hooked up to it.

Likewise, your escape has only begun, because you now have the knowledge. The road in front of you is still long and hard, and riddled with danger.

Detaching from the matrix will be different for each person. We are all hooked in differently and to different degrees, so unhooking from it must also be different for each person. I will discuss the major ways you can detach from the matrix, but I am by no means saying these are the only ways for everyone.

A growing industry has risen up for people looking for various means of protecting themselves when that time becomes necessary. People will need to learn to "live off the grid". There are many good books, and videos that you can get to familiarize yourself with the choices available. The basic idea is prepare ahead of time. You will want to put together for your family a "Go Bag" or also called a "Boogie Bag". This is a bag that you can "grab" in and emergency and "go" immediately with.

Some things to store:
1. Gold and Silver coins, bars, or jewelry.
2. Water and Water Filter / Purifier.
3. Storable food.
4. Seeds / Garden
5. A means of protection. ( guns, pepper spray...etc. )
6. Medicine

The list can be longer depending upon your location and needs. This is just a sample to get you started. You cando your own research and find many good suppliers. Many of these things are available on the internet.

Divest from the corporate state
The only way to get free of the matrix is to unplug yourself. One plug at a time. Each time you find an alternative to purchasing from a large corporation, or doing without the item, you further unplug yourself. Some people run around totally free. Some are partially free,and that's ok, if that is working for them. It's not about right or wrong, or it being all good, or all bad. It's about what is the right level of being unplugged for each of us.

How To Begin

The key to remember when downsizing,or unplugging, is "smaller is better".
Large companies are more likely tied into the corporate state. Presently the large companies have an agenda todo away with the smaller companies. The corporate state has bought off all 3 branches of government, and the media. The aim in the coming years will be for them to use regulation to make it unfeasible for small companies to survive,and have laws ready to remove them when they can't keep up.

Ending The System OfDebt

Overcome feeling helpless
As I have outlined for you, the system that is now in place is vast. I say to you however, that what is available to you is even far vaster. Only a little bit of light is needed to illuminate the darkest of spaces!

Once you have woken up, by reading books, watching videos, searching the internet, and talking to fellow patriots,you have begun the first step. This waking up process takes place on many levels, because you are beginning to see all the ways you have been misled, on each of these levels. This can be a time of feeling you are on an emotional rollercoaster. You are excited about everything you are learning, but also sad and even frightened by the darkness of what you are learning.

From Slavery To New World Rebel

Manifest your dreams and desires
Do you know why the caged bird sings? Even though it may be locked up it perceives itself free. Perception is all that is required. If you are free and sovereign on the inside, then no matter how many bars they place around you they cannot take your joy. Only you can give it away. Only you can decide to give it to them.

Anyone who survived a concentration camp knows this. Eli Weizel, Nobel Prize winner, has said, "I was born in a ghetto, but the ghetto was not in me". He means that he was born into a hard situation, poverty, discrimination...etc. Yet that is not what is inside him. Inside him was beauty, and hope, and dreams of a better day. That day, finally came about, because he held tight to who he was inside, despite what his outer situation told him.

The key to being able to manifest your dreams and desires is the ability to FEEL the thing that you want to bring into your life, before it is actually there. You need to be able to FEEL AS IF you already are experiencing that which you want to bring into existence. If you do it good, your mind, and even your body, does not know the difference between the thought, and the actual thing.

A New Normal

"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." ~ by Charles Darwin

We, however owe our success or failure equally to forces outside us and inside us. In fact as we progress in this game, the forces inside of us have even more power, and responsibility. I have spent thousands of hours counseling people, and I can tell you that how they feel depends on their thoughts, and their thoughts either are going in a negative direction, of lack, or hopelessness; or in a positive direction of hope, and feeling full.

Creating A New Normal is about learning to reinterpret old patterns of how we see our world. Far more than just "looking at our life through rose colored glasses", this is about physically creating changes within us chemically, and biologically, through thought, and also outside of us shaping our new landscapes, through vibration,and the law of attraction. This includes setting up our lives to be in vibrational match with the frequency of the thing we are trying to bring into our life.

Do not be afraid to dissent. I have learned the agony of fear well, and I have seen its false face. I know now that light is infinitely more powerful, and redemptive. As each human finds this out for themselves the light in the world will grow. Even as the times seem to grow darker and more difficult remember that you have an internal and eternal light. Even as you may find yourself surrounded by darkness, know that your own light can be maintained. You now know what they have tried so hard to hide from you.

Freedom From Fear OfDebt

There is a story about two mice that fell into a bucket of milk. They each tried to get out. As time went on they grew weary. One mouse said "it's useless to keep trying to get out. The walls are too high, and every time we try, we keep slipping and falling back down".That mouse drowned. The other mouse kept swimming. Slowly the milk began to spoil and thicken. Eventually it hardened into butter. The surviving mouse was able to leap out of the bucket!

Never give up. Never surrender. Your struggle now, will not only allow you to survive, but your children's children also. We can throw off these tyrants, but only if we keep our energies up, despite what our current circumstances may tell us. We have to see beyond it. Only by staying in the positive energy, and not cooperating with the thought system of needing to conform, will we guarantee victory one day.

Martin Luther King Jr. said that the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice. I believe that. I believe it with my whole heart. I believe that when we all are able to remove fear as an obstacle, and have transcended it's legacy on our lives, we will each choose love. I feel that is true, not only for those of us securely on the path of light, but even for those still in darkness. There is one source, and that is light. Everything else is merely the degree of light given off, or the lack there of. I do not believe that there is a source of darkness. Even dark forces, I believe, are on a path, and will eventually choose love.

That does not mean that you will not experience loss, or pain, it only means that you can transcend it. Once you transcend it, you can find a new normal. Throughout our lives we will need to find new normals. Nothing stays the same. Change is the great teacher in the universe. We need to see we are all pupils, and our classes never end.

Why would a soul sign up for a painful lesson? To understand that we need to understand how a soul would see a particular physical incarnation. We must remember that we are eternal beings. Energy never dies. An eternal being knows that pain, and loss are teachers, just like, love, and success, are also teachers.

There is great knowledge available from your soul. You should find a way to communicate with it regularly. Find something that you like to do such as meditation, walking, running, exercising,or even just sleeping, and asking your soul to use that time to teach you something. Your soul will respond to that invitation. You only need to open your ears to hear it.

"Love is everywhere, if we see it, and nowhere if we don't"
- Kazi Kearse

The Love Police'sMessage To The Resistance

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Love Flows Like Water

Life is like a river. Too often we try and swim against the current. We resist what life is trying to show us. We get caught up in the forms, that life is presenting us with, instead of seeing past them. So we try and go upstream, when life is flowing downstream. We forget that love is a boat…
~ Kazi Kearse

The following is from my upcoming book: “Broke Is Not Broken: How To Manifest Abundance In An Age of Chaos”, by Dr. Kazi Kearse PsyD. ( essay formerly titled: Swimming Lessons For The River of Life )

Limitless Love

Those words set me free, when I first heard them. It was confirmation of something I have felt inside for so long, but had never given words to it. It was the exact opposite of what society tried to have me accept all these years. The fallacy that makes you pin all your hopes for love on finding that one form, that one person.

The fallacy of romantic love combines with the ego to convince us that we “have” a spouse or lover. To the Ego it actually feels like we have ownership, or claim to the object of our so called love. I say “so called love”, because this is not true love.

True love is limitless. This instead is still from fear based love. When you love yourself you do not fear being alone. Being alone is an opportunity to love yourself even more! You know that love is limitless in the universe. If one person, or form loses interest in you, or rejects you, you know that the loving universe will provide more forms in the future.

End your fear! Trust in a loving universe. You are your own judge, jury, and executioner. You are also free, at any moment, to be your own redeemer. You are in a temporary world. Give up the illusion of permanence. Nothing is permanent in this world! Friends, lovers, bodies, all “things” in life pass away.

When you see your beloved in everyone, then everyone becomes your beloved. Open fearlessly to love and all its changing forms. Wanting what is best not only for yourself, but for your beloved. Even to the point if it ultimately leads to separation of the partnership. When you are grounded in your understanding that you are an eternal being you know that we are never truly separated, and no separation is eternal. You know that we come together at certain times and sometimes we go through a particular lifetime together, and other times we have other things that we must experience separately.

It is time to end the fear of freedom with those we say we love. The words “ I love you, and I want to be with you, right now”, becomes a beautiful phrase, and the hope in my heart that I can help you to achieve your greatest good, is my highest task. I would love for your greatest good to be with me, but I know that that may not always be the case.

No longer do I try to keep love. For when I try to keep love I realize that I have destroyed it. I enjoy my alone time, and no longer fear it. I do not need to manipulate another to keep me from feeling alone. For when I am alone I am still with my own love for myself, and that’s become a really good thing! If I am rejected by someone I do not wallow in feeling unworthy. I know that I am love, and love is all around me. What should I have to fear?

The outcome is guaranteed! We are in an expanding universe and therefore we will all reach the same spot one day. We all will eventually reach enlightenment. Thus be easy on yourself. Do not strain to force yourself to go where you are not ready to go yet. For this is not about keeping up with anyone, it’s about knowing yourself! Do not try and force a blissful feeling if you are not feeling it.

The feeling will arrive itself, naturally, when it is the right time.
You are exactly where you should be right now. Love is all around you, if you could only see it. It is limitless, and when you are able to get in the flow with it, you can become an expression of limitless love to yourself and others.

Only your beliefs can cast you out from the flow, and only your beliefs can keep you in the flow. While staying in the flow is preferable, ( when we remember that we are eternal beings ) we can also realize that our time in the flow will increase over time and assure us that bliss, enlightenment, and limitless love will all be permanent states for all of us eventually!

Everyone will awaken at their own pace. Each individual will drop their conditional love patterns after they have experienced the failure of it not being able to make them happy for long. Each of us come here to experience contrast, and to grow from experiencing it. Contrast is the difference you experience between what you desire to happen and what actually happens. If this planet is a school room, than contrast is the main curriculum!

When you become love you end your quarrels with those around you. Since we are all God, and all made up of the same Source Energy, in essence one being; who is it we are really fighting? You may think that you hate your neighbor, but the contrast he provides for you is vital to why you are down here, and will be what advances you and ultimately leads to your freedom. Thus the pain they cause you is also advancing you.

We know that in the grand scheme of things, our dramas are self created, and designed to challenge and advance us. We also know that when we have disputes with people, we are really arguing with God, who is in the temporary form of our neighbor. Time after time we have seen that this only leads to suffering. So now we may turn to our neighbor, and try reacting differently. We can act from the love inside us, and we can find the loving response.

“ The experience of unconditional love begins in your heart, not in someone else’s. Don’t make your ability to love yourself conditional on someone else’s ability to love you”. - Paul Ferrini -

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Here are some great links too:

A New Dream

Prayer For Love

Love Without Condition

Love and Light,

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 The Truth That Cannot Be Spoken Above A Whisper

Throughout history the elite have coalesced power by staging events to scare the populations of a given side, against the other side. The elite learned that you can finance both sides of a war, profit from the build up to war, and the fighting of the war, simply by staging events during peace time to bring the parties back to fighting, or give them ever new enemies to fight, and sources for you to collect money from.

The elite own all the major corporations, so not only do they get countries to loan money from them and thus owe them interest, but the money that the elite supposedly give to the country, just gets put into government contracts with the very corporations who are owned by the people who staged the war!

Corporatocracy is really a subgroup of the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy is made up of the families that own these large corporations and countries. The oligarchs are the ones who are really running the world. They are your true enemy. They like to try and fool you into fighting false enemies, like “the Muslims”, or “the communists”. All the while they fund those exact people to fight you too.

I submit to you that every event that has led our country into war has been staged by the same elite families; from the sinking of the Lusitania to the World Trade Center on 9/11. There are many excellent books and videos about the events that took place on September 11th, 2001. I will not try in this book to cover every one of them. I believe, however the following summarizes the highlights of the problems with the official story of the government and the 9/11 Commission. Some of the items in this list you may have heard about, some you may not have. ALL of them have been well researched…

Loose Change Documentary ( Full Cut )

1. The seeds of 9/11 go back to the 1980’s - 90’s.The World Zionist Organization
and the Israeli Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu, principally Richard
Perle, Douglas Feith, and David Wurmser ( remember those names ).
They published a document called: “Clean Break, A New Strategy For Securing The Realm”. Which called for cutting off peace talks, launching military assaults on Palestine, and getting rid of Saddam Hussein.

Many of the authors of this document somehow make their way from Israel over
to the United States and are given top positions in the US Government. Like
Rahm Emanuel, later, in the Obama administration, they are somehow given
“Duel Citizenship” status, and advanced roles in the American government.
Richard Perle becomes head of The Defense Policy Board.
Douglas Feith, Under Secretary, Defense Policy Board.
David Wurmser, Chief Middle East Advisor.
They all help draft the next document I will tell you about.

2. Neo Cons ( right wing conservatives ) who rose to power under president Ronald
Reagan, together with Perle, Feith, and Wurmser during the first Bush administration formulate a document and plan called “The Project For A New American Century”, also called the PNAC Report. In it they outline that America needs to increase it’s military presence around the world, and to preemptively strike other countries before they become too powerful. They particularly mention the middle east. The result will be that America will be able to maintain their dominance and control of vital resources. Oil is specifically mentioned. The document warns that this will take very long, unless there is a “new pearl harbor”.

3. The attack on the world trade center on 9/11/2001 would be used as that “pearl
harbor”. You may have wondered why George Bush Jr. stood on the top of the deck of that aircraft carrier when the troops had just chased out Saddam Hussein, with the whole war still ahead of him, and pronounced “mission accomplished”? Now you know why. His mission was accomplished! In fact it turns out, that the plans for removing Saddam Hussein where on president Bushes desk on September 10th, 2001.

The Truth About 9/11

4. There were many other preparations put in place before the attacks. To get a full
Understanding you have to look not only at what Al-Qaeda was doing, but also at the above players, now firmly in power in the American government. Sometimes you have to read behind the lines. CIA and Al-Qaeda ties go back many years. Osama Bin Laden was on the CIA payroll for many years, and carried out missions for them against middle east neighbors. In fact it is said that Al–Qaeda was funded by the CIA and put in place to do two things. To launch operations against American ( CIA ) enemies, and to act as a boogeyman in the American press, to justify funding the military establishment and the agenda of PNAC. In other words, to act in the interest of the banking families who own the corporations that get the contracts, and loan money to countries. Wars bring countries increasingly into more and more debt.

Media As A Weapon

The CIA tracked ( or monitored ) each of the so called hijackers before 9/11. One managed to bumble things so badly that he got himself picked up. Yet the real plot was never exposed. The stories of the other 19, mostly Saudi, so called highjackers are very bizarre. I say so called because some of them are still showing up alive and back home in the middle east walking around. It is said that Israeli Mossaud intelligence stole the 19 highjackers identities. Some of their wallet ids seemed to miraculously survive the incineration of the world trade center collapse and float down for investigators to find during the first few days of the clean up and investigation ? It was also amazing how fast our government had all 19 identities, backgrounds, and photos sent to the news media in really no time at all.

The World Trade Center was always publicly owned. A man named Larry Silverstein, however was somehow given the right to purchase it. Larry is a long time Zionist and billionaire with ties to Israel. He mysteriously worked out a sweetheart deal where he only had to pay a few million dollars for the multiple buildings, and quickly took out several billion dollars worth of insurance on them. Along with the clause that if the buildings were blown up by terrorists he would get twice as much.

Out - Foxed : Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism

Guess who he hired to be in charge of security? President Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush. Then weeks before the attack, they decide to shut down the buildings for “renovations”. The planners of 9/11 had a problem still. They had the technology since 1984 to remotely fly airplane jetliners into buildings, but the jet fuel, and building materials only burn to a few hundred degrees, however steal, which the buildings were made of, only melts and weakens at several thousand degrees.

An explosive would need to be added, but very few can burn that hot, except for something called Thermite. The debris field at ground zero was full of weapons grade nano thermite. In fact pools of molten metal were found only under the three buildings that collapsed. This is a by product of a nano thermite reaction. A chemical that is only able to be developed in state of the art American military labs. It’s not found anywhere else in the world. How was it delivered to The World Trade Center? Remember those renovations? Turns out that nano thermite can be sprayed on, like paint.

There were many manipulations going on, just prior to the buildings being pulled. Pulled means a controlled demolition. Silverstein admitted it when he was being questioned about building #7. He said “that’s why we had to pull the building”. Then his globalist friends got to him, and a few days later he took his statement back. Seemed he slipped and said too much.

Larry Silverstein Saying "We Decided To Pull The Building"

Stocks where being manipulated too. Massively in the days before the attack. As if some people in Wall Street knew that certain companies related to the airline industry was about to take a big hit. Goldman Sachs was not the only ones seeming to have inside information, even companies held by government officials were being sold as if they knew something was coming.

On the day of 9/11 inside information abounded around Washington. George Bush was sent out of town to go read to elementary school children, so that Dick Chaney would have a free hand to manage the events of the day. Chaney had an intimate knowledge of “the darkside” of PNAC and the military industrial complex, going back through several administrations. He needed to be at the helm for those minute by minute decisions. Like keeping those fighter jets far away until they are needed, like the one that shot down flight 93 over Pennsylvania only after the passengers had retaken control of the plane. Records show that Cheney was up early that day and sped to the underground command center.
There were a lot of people that morning who knew something. Someone called congressmen and told them not to come in. Someone called over 4,000 Jewish employees and told them to not come in also.

Rumsfeld Admitting Flight 93 Was Shot Down

5. Same thing at the Pentagon. The “so called” plane only hit the side of the building
that was under renovation. Conveniently, Rumsfeld and crew were clear on the
on the other side of the building. It’s very mysterious how with all the video
cameras around the highest security building in the world, they will only show
us one blurry image of something white hitting the building.

Private businesses in the area had video footage, but the government came and
took it from them, and never returned any of it. Same thing with all the audio
tape from the cock pit black boxes. Some they kept, some they ripped up. No
reason given, and no disciplining of the people who shredded it.

It does not even seem likely that a plane hit the Pentagon at all. The plane,
particularly the engine, was never found in the building. In fact the hole that
was originally made in the building was too small for it to have been the
commercial airliner that they say it was. Experienced pilots have said that THEY
could not even have flown into the pentagon the way they claimed this plane did.
They also point to the fact that there is no ground dug up in front of the building,
which surely would have happened if a plane that size was coming in from a
banked turn at a high rate of speed. Nothing, that is not computer guided, could
have hit the building so cleanly.

6. Problem – Reaction – Solution: The attack on the world trade center, put together
by the Neo Cons and the former Israeli Likud Zionists would be very profitable for their financial masters, the international banking families, because remember how the elite make money; by selling wars. The problem: “Terrorism”, gets sold to the American people through the media machine the elite own. The reaction is that we willingly give up our freedoms for a ( false) sense of security. The solution then gets to be incrementally stepped up to tyranny…Full control…Full Spectrum Dominance by a small elite…and the whole world will be swallowed up in it before they can do anything about it!

7. Once they control everything they can turn up the tyranny. They can collapse economies and get us to work more and more for them. They can poison us. They can imprison us. All without trial. For they are now, judge (regulators), jury (press) and executioner ( law enforcement ). Their minions cycle around and back again, from the corporate world, to lobbyists, to government regulators, then back again to the corporate world….etc.

The secret that cannot be spoken above a whisper is that if we ever had a government, it's long since gone. 9/11 was an inside job. Americans and Israelis inside both governments killed over 3,000 Americans that day...Have sent over 4,000 American soldiers to their deaths, 60,000 to a life of VA hospitals and blew up over 1.5 million Iraqi men, women, and children and dislocated many millions more. All for empire, money, and the oil that comes with it.

And they aren't done yet.... They want Iran...and they want YOU and your children. They will take it all if you don't stand up now. Make no mistake about it. This is the 59th minute of the 11th hour. It's up to you. Do you click this off and put on a music video, or do you do something? That's all it takes to begin with. You doing some action. Sharing this link, joining an organization, or simply saying I will not comply anymore....

Speak the truth...LOUD....It's our greatest weapon...

Stop The Machine Now

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Love Is Fire

Love is everywhere in the universe, if we can see it. It does not have to be placed only on one person or one thing that we think without it we can have no love. In this school room of life, CHANGE is the only constant...And LOVE is the ultimate possiblity, each moment of our lives...Love is the fire that transforms. It can bring joy and it can bring pain...Yet even in the pain, we can stay aware that love is limitless in the universe, and we can connect with it again...perhaps this tme in a different form...

Remember... From ashes comes a new forest...

                               Love Is Fire

Love Is Fire

When its fire storm is through

There's only ashes left of you

Love is transformational

Something old is laid low

But from the ashes

A rainforest will grow

Love is the unknown

Hidden in every breeze

Life's longing seed

Blows forth

And while picking roses

Sacrifice your hand to thorns

From dust the path is made

A way is found

Remember child

The road to heaven

Begins in hell

So rejoice in your mutation

Bliss pursued promises rejuvenation

You must risk it all to gain it all

You may say seize the day

But I say seize the way

My lover calls me to come dance

To step outside and take a chance

The ego must relinquish its hold

All that I built up

I now let go

I now let go......

~ Kazi Kearse

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Exposing The New Face Of Fascism: Privatization

It may be hard to fathom, but I can remember since I was a kid, hearing that big brother was coming. In school we had to read George Orwell’s book 1984. We would debate whether it would really happen, and as the year 1984 came and went, I can remember being relieved that everything seemed still the same. It was the 1980’s and except for some laid off air line workers, everything seemed fine. It seemed that the totalitarian threat forecasted was false.

Boy were we ever snuckered…..

The violent government clampdown we all where watching for never materialized. Instead a soft, friendly form of fascism was snuck in, in it’s place. This new form of government does not require a Gestapo ordering you around at gunpoint. It’s much more subtle, and it’s made up of people we know around us. The neighbor down the street. The telephone operator. Maybe even your friend on facebook?

Daily Paul
FBI Created Infraguard

It is estimated that the security state now partners with some 800,000 civilians. Just like you and me. Most voluntarily. Some believe they are helping keep America safe from various threats …terrorists…illegal immigrants…etc. Some just do it to feel important. I would call it identifying with the oppressor, but we won’t get into the psychology of it.

The following is from an essay by Steven Yates and based on the work of Joan Veon who used the term “Soft Fascism” and Bertram Gross who called it “Friendly Fascism” to explain the system of control that began in the 1940’s and is taking fruit in front of our eyes currently:

A public-private partnership will always have as its goal a business-making venture that requires some form of “governance.” The question is, since the players will vary in experience and wealth, who has the most power? We know from life itself that whoever has the most money has the power. For example, when a public-private partnership is comprised of governments such as the County Department of Environmental Initiatives, the State Department of Environmental Resources; a number of private entities such as a land trust(foundation) and the Nature Conservancy (nonprofit); along with a corporation such as Black and Decker, the players with the most money control the partnership. In this case, it would be the Nature Conservancy with assets of over 12.1 billion, and Black and Decker Corporation with a capitalization of $1.6billion.

Representative government loses. By this method, then, citizens are deprived of private property rights and control over their lives and business activities. When private companies must compete in an open market for the best employees and for customers, that is free enterprise capitalism (or laissez-faire). However, when they form partnerships with government, or when either one “partners” with foundations or nonprofit sector entities, or even, I would argue, are legally able to borrow money from banks created according to the fractional reserve system, free enterprise is compromised.

Infraguard Website

Infraguard Video

The economic system begins its move from a one based on liberty and productivity to one based on control and plunder. If corporations have the most money—as is often the case—they will obtain levels of power that make them as dangerous as any government not on a constitutional leash. Fascism is the name we give to the ideology which merges the power of the purse(business, foundations, nonprofits) with the power of the sword (government) in order to create policy, impose it by methods ranging from subterfuge to force, and take a society in a desired direction. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines fascism as “a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized, autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” Perhaps still better:

Although the classic fascists openly subverted constitutional democracy, they took great pains to conceal the Big Capital-Big Government partnership. One device for doing this was the myth of “corporatism” or the “corporate state.” In place of geographically elected parliaments, the Italians and the Germans set up elaborate systems whereby every interest in the country—including labor—was to be “functionally represented.” In fact, the main function was to provide facades behind which the decisions were made by intricate networks of business cartels working closely with military officers and their own people in civilian government. Today’s public-private partnerships have these same ingredients even if the main power players have changed. The process of “reinventing government” that took the country by storm during the Clinton years is the best means of understanding the political environment in which public-private partnerships are most at home.

Internet Monitoring
Alex Jones

American history discloses two broad philosophies of education, what I will call the classical model and the vocational model. The classical model incorporates the full scope of liberal arts, including history and civics, logic and philosophy, theology, mathematics as reasoning, economics including personal finance and money management. Its goal is an informed citizen who understands something of his or her heritage and of the principles of sound government and sound economics generally. The vocational model considers education sufficient if it enables the graduate to be a tradesman or obedient worker. History, logic, etc., have little to contribute to this, and so are ratcheted down, as in the School-To-Work models. Mathematical education, for example, will be sufficient if it enables students to use calculators instead of their brains. Government schools, over recent decades, have been increasingly bent in the direction of the vocational model. This is known colloquially as “dumbing down”.

The result of this process is a graduate who will follow his leaders, be they governmental or corporate, directly into public-private partnerships because, having no knowledge of their problems both economic and constitutional, he has no other points of reference. In our situation, vocational programs “school” students to fit the needs of the “global economy” seen as an autonomous, collective endeavor, instead of educating individuals to find their own ways in the world, shaping the economy to meet their needs. This system is fascist since it involves corporations and governments working together to make policy; it is soft fascist because (due to the lack of genuine education) it is not overtly totalitarian.

CIA and In-Q-Tel / Google Partnership
PreCrime Units

Tyrannical controls are barely needed, because among the mind controlled workers and future workers there is little resistance. Most go along, fearing unemployment. After all, as George Orwell once observed, “Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip, but the really well-trained dog is the one that turns his somersault when there is no whip.” Soft fascism thus employs behavior modification rather than obvious acts of tyranny. It is guided by an incentive system rather than overt acts of coercion Thus for much of the population, there is no whip. Those who do not turn their somersaults—perhaps out of a realization that their choices have been artificially reduced—are marginalized and eventually able to find only menial jobs.


(1) global economics, built up as managed-capitalism in order to exploit the enormous wealth available through corporations of all sizes, especially multinational and transnational;

(2) global government seen as necessary to regulate trade within this global economy, also built up through progressive regionalization, as “the end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece”.

Achieving (1) means (for example): appearing to advance global free trade while actually destroying private property rights, existing prosperity, and government by consent of the governed. It has involved employing pseudo-free trade agreements (e.g.,NAFTA, CAFTA, FTAA, etc.) and other devices where necessary (e.g., SPP) to bring about a migration of power to transnational organizations such as the UN, GATT, the WTO, the Bank for International Settlements and the World Economic Forum, among others. It is important to realize, with a nod to Orwell, that in the contemporary setting, “free trade” no more means free trade than freedom means slavery. This does it exclude allowing “pockets” of economic free choice if they serve special purposes, such as locally owned small businesses being forced to close when people choose to shop at the newly opened Wal-Mart.

Achieving (2) calls for the erosion and eventual elimination of national sovereignty, a natural outcome of the processes just sketched. The gradualist regionalization process was championed by Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book Between Two Ages. This book laid out the entire agenda that has been pursued under the Orwellian “free trade” rubric in the chapter entitled “The Third American Revolution.” Gradualist regionalization was again championed at Mikhail Gorbachev’s first State of the World Forum in 1995.Arguably it has been almost achieved under the auspices of the European Union, and its advocates in our hemisphere are using the EU as a model to create a “North American Union.”

FBI Deputizes Businesses

Progress on the first two areas began at least in the 1940s, which saw both the creation of the UN and GATT; it began to pick up speed in the 1970s following the publication of Brzezenski’s book and David Rockefeller’s creation of the Trilateral Commission. The1980s saw the creation of enterprise zones, under the realization that carefully managed capitalism would more easily evolve into a workable global socialism than the “actually existing socialism” in places such as the Soviet Union, the collapse of which was engineered under the watchful eye of globalist Mikhail Gorbachev. In the 1990s, with NAFTA and the WTO, this agenda accelerated rapidly, and has continued to the point where it can be argued that we have, in fact, sacrificed a substantial fraction of our national sovereignty as well as seen much of our middle class destroyed.

Public-private partnerships are a key component of this overall process. They invariably involve “governance,” working under the assumption not merely that government cannot get the job done but that freedom cannot get it done. In so doing, they effectively merge large business and large governments in ways characteristic of fascism. Combined with education that stresses vocation at the expense of subjects such as history, logic, personal finance, comparative economic systems, etc., they lead to the rise of home grown soft fascism with which an unthinking mass will readily comply. Ultimately, this system threatens Americans with the equivalent of totalitarian controls— as those who stop their somersaults, will lead to the coming of the whips.

America’s Secret Police Network

The globalist plan for the world will, of course, eventually fail; the economics it requires(of massive borrowing and theft through redistribution of the world’s resources) is out of accord with the requirements reality places on us if we are to achieve genuine freedom and lasting prosperity. It will not fail immediately, however, and if allowed to run its course will wreak havoc across the entire globe, after having destroyed the one civilization that gave the globe ideals of liberty worth emulating. Exposing the growing edifice of controls on individual freedom contained within sustainable development through public-private partnerships is necessary if we are to get rid of this hidden threat to liberty in our lifetimes, and begin the job of restoring individual liberty and private property rights.

George Orwell’s 1984 ( Full Movie )

George Orwell’s Animal Farm ( Full Movie )