Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Gift of Pain

Why would a soul sign up for a painful lesson? To truly understand this, we need to have a new vision of how a soul would see a particular physical incarnation. We must remember that we are eternal beings. Energy never dies. An eternal being knows that pain, and loss are teachers, just like, love, and success, are also teachers. Change is the great teacher in the universe. We need to see we are all pupils, and our classes never end….. ~ Kazi Kearse

There is a story about two frogs that fell into a bucket of milk. They each tried to get out. As time went on they grew weary. One frogs said “it’s useless to keep trying to get out. The walls are too high, and every time we try, we keep slipping and falling back down”. That frog drowned. The other frog kept swimming. Slowly the milk began to spoil and thicken. Eventually it hardened into butter. The surviving mouse was able to leap out of the bucket!

Never give up. Never surrender. Your struggle now, will not only allow you to survive, but your children’s children also. We can throw off these tyrants, but only if we keep our energies up, despite what our current circumstances may tell us. We have to see beyond it. Only by staying in the positive energy, and not cooperating with the thought system of needing to conform, will we guarantee victory one day.

Martin Luther King Jr. said that the moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice. I believe that. I believe it with my whole heart. I believe that when we all are able to remove fear as an obstacle, and have transcended it’s legacy on our lives, we will each choose love. I feel that is true, not only for those of us securely on the path of light, but even for those still in darkness. There is one source, and that is light. Everything else is merely the degree of light given off, or the lack there of. I do not believe that there is a source of darkness. Even dark forces, I believe, are on a path, and will eventually choose love.

Love is the only choice. When fear is removed, or transcended, then we can see clearly. When we see clearly, we see that there really only was ever one choice. The choice to love. We can choose it now, or we can take another choice, like greed, or self doubt…etc, and eventually see that those choices end in pain, and dissatisfaction. When we choose love, however, if our mirror is wide enough, we find that it ends in joy and happiness.

That does not mean that you will not experience loss, or pain, it only means that you can transcend it. Once you transcend it, you can find a new normal. Throughout our lives we will need to find new normals. Nothing stays the same. Change is the great teacher in the universe. We need to see we are all pupils, and our classes never end.
We are never not in class. When we begin to see our difficulties as classes, we can see that there are bigger lessons we are experiencing. We can then have a different understanding of the loss, and pain we experience. We realize that they are not punishments for doing something wrong, by a wrathful God.

Diseases, like cancer, can be seen in a new perspective. You did not necessarily do anything wrong, or commit some transgression. When a lover leaves you, it is not because you are a bad person, or unlovable. There are reasons we may not see on the physical level. There are lessons, in classes, that our soul has signed up for that we cannot fully comprehend from this side.

Why would a soul sign up for a painful lesson? To understand that we need to understand how a soul would see a particular physical incarnation. We must remember that we are eternal beings. Energy never dies. An eternal being knows that pain, and loss are teachers, just like, love, and success, are also teachers.

Some teachers in school we liked more than others. Some were nicer to us, and others were very stern with us. We, however, learned from both of them. Some courses are harder than others, and require much more work. In fact, it often was the harder classes that we learned the most from.
It says in the bible, that in the end, “you reap what you sow”. This is a universal law of the universe. When you “reap” something, you experience it, and you receive the results of what you were doing. When you “sow” something you are “taking an action”, whether that is a physical action, mental, or spiritual action.

Change is another law of the universe, and it’s benevolence acts on reaping, and sowing, and does something very important. It assures you that nothing you reap is permanent. So you are free to let go of fear. What you reap you will sow, which will lead to new reaping and sowing.
You can have all the riches in the world but feel very unfulfilled. Yet if you have love and joy in your heart you do not need anything else to be happy, not even riches. This is one of the lessons a soul must learn in a lifetime. Your soul may be in this class right now, getting this particular lesson.

Do your lessons with love and joy and they will be much faster. That does not mean the class ends, simply because you do. Each soul knows exactly how long it needs to experience a lesson for. Your Ego needs to let go of needing to rush you through a lesson, or convince you, it’s ok to skip it or go around the lesson. Release your path to your soul. Your soul will guide you through your classes. Just like it’s been doing since you were a spark of stardust.

There is great knowledge available from your soul. You should find a way to communicate with it regularly. Find something that you like to do such as meditation, walking, running, exercising, or even just sleeping, and asking your soul to use that time to teach you something. Your soul will respond to that invitation. You only need to open your ears to hear it.

Do not be afraid to dissent. I have learned the agony of fear well, and I have seen its false face. I know now that light is infinitely more powerful, and redemptive. As each human finds this out for themselves the light in the world will grow. Even as the times seem to grow darker and more difficult remember that you have an internal and eternal light. Even as you may find yourself surrounded by darkness, know that your own light can be maintained. You now know what they have tried so hard to hide from you….

“Love is everywhere, if we see it, and nowhere if we don’t”
- Kazi Kearse

We know that all endings are new beginnings, and so it is with these words. For my wantings will spawn wantings to sprout from your heart. Once even a pebble is thrown in a lake, the ripples spread out and the lake will never be quite the same lake again

Always remember that the caterpillar thought it’s world was over, and then it became a BUTTERFLY !!!!!


The Pain Body

No Arms, No Legs, No Limits

Abraham – Hicks: Vibration and Contrast

Ram Das on Pain, Suffering, and Karma

Mooji: Why Is Life So Tough?

Khalil Gibran ( The Prophet ): Pain
Rumi: Cry Out In Your Weakness

Byron Katie: I Need More Money

Little Grandmother: We Are Divine Creators