Sunday, May 27, 2012

American Spring

The streets of Cairo are filling back up again, as the people realize the system has douped them once again with offering them only a false choice of the "puppet on the left, or the puppet on the right"!!! This ain't over....
These are difficult times. The tendency by some of you may be to frame the protests in the Middle East in a negative light and to look away, however I see something very positive and enlightening being born. The people of Egypt, and citizens of Cairo are at a very crucial moment. In fact, the world is at a crucial moment, along with Egyptians as we all struggle to free ourselves from authoritarian rule by oligarchs who have for too long sacrificed innocent people’s long term health, freedom, and futures, for their own short term political and financial gain…..

There is a chance that a domino effect might occur, and the people power revolution that is happening in Egypt could spread to other countries and even the United States. This is not the first time that the people of the world have had this opportunity. Some of you may remember in the 1980’s Ferdinand Marcos was the long time leader ( puppet of the West ) of the Philippines. He was ruthless, and corrupt, and just as unpopular as Mubarak is now in Egypt.

He was forced out of office by a popular uprising that became known as the People Power Revolution. It was a non violent movement that used love as a weapon to disable it’s enemies. In fact, their symbol was the letter “L”, which they made with their thumb and pointer finger. When Marcos tried to send in the army to break up the protest the army was overcome with love, and Marcos failed. He had to flee his country, and Corazon Aquino was elected as their true president.

The world had a chance back then for the revolution to spread to all the masses of people around the world. Back then however, many people were still asleep politically, and spiritually. This moment in time represents a new chance. Are enough people awake now to have the People Power revolution start somewhere, like Egypt, and spread to other countries around the world? Are you ready? Do you love freedom more than you fear freedom?

If you are, then seize the day! We are all Cairo. The globalists are doing the same thing in every country. All designed to set us up for world government. Order out of chaos. They create the chaos, by crashing the economy, weaken your health and safety, and then they offer the solution, which is to give them all your money and labor, through austerity and authoritarian world government. One by one, nation by nation, they will come for us, if we do not stand together. Thus it is so vital for us to each realize now that we are all Cairo!

Learn more about the People Power Revolution in the Philippines. It offers a road map of how people can non violently take back their government. Corazon Aquino is a wonderful role model of how an average person can get involved in their government, and lead their fellow citizens through difficult times. The ball is in your court…

If you want it…the revolution is here!!!!

For more information you can checkout:

My articles at Relativity Online

Follow my blog

The People Power Revolution

Revolution in Egypt

US May Be Behind Revolt

Passion of The Egyptian People

Why They Are Protesting: Voices of the Egyptian Protesters

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Abundance Thinking 12 Step Program

The Abundance Thinking 12 Step Program is based on the 12 Step format used successfully to help many people regain conscious control over their lives. While many people find help in 12 Step programs, the programs often concentrate all too much on “lack”. Much of the person’s energy is focused on what they are trying not to do anymore ( ie…drinking, drugs, food, …etc. ). So in this program the focus is on the positive thoughts, feelings, and activities of someone who is being the conscious creator in their life. The only addiction that we have is our attachment to the pain body, and to the social emotional environment we grew up in. It’s an addiction that each and every one of us must come to terms with…

                                   The Abundance Thinking 12 Step Program

Step One:
I fully and completely accept that I am the creator of my universe.

Step Two:
I lay to rest the life that was planned for me in my ignorance and freely choose to follow the life I am creating with the universe.

Step Three:
I make a decision to turn my life over fully to my greatest good. I realize that the brighter my light is allowed to be, the easier it is for others around me to find their own way.

Step Four:
I make a searching and fearless inventory of my true wants, and desires. I do this without judgment or accepting anyone else’s morals in place of my own. I know that there is nothing that I cannot be, do, or have.

Step Five:
I admit to myself, and at least one other person, which of the fear based feeling states I habitually get stuck in, and allow the universe to call me towards more loving ones.

Step Six:
I am ready to be one with the universe and all those around me. I accept the responsibility and joy of being both a participant and co creator in the divine manifestation of all that is.

Step Seven:
I am one with all that is. The universe flows through and around me, and I physically feel it divinely manifesting.

Step Eight:
I make a list of the actions I am taking to manifest all that I can be, do, or have.

Step Nine:
I take direct action on each unfolding of my desires. I realize that each fulfillment of a desire will give birth to another new desire.

Step Ten:
I lovingly create the world around me. I do not get stuck in feelings of lack. When I come upon them now I simply and completely choose a more loving thought for myself.

Step Eleven:
Through prayer and meditation I seek to improve my conscious contact with God as I understand God, praying only for knowledge of my path.

Step Twelve:
Through having a spiritual awakening I carry my message to others and try to practice these principles in all my thoughts and deeds.

                                                        The 12 Steps In Detail:

Step One:
“ I fully and completely accept that I am the creator of my universe”.
The first principle affirms that you understand that YOU accept that YOU are the creator of YOUR universe. You stand up and take the responsibility for your own happiness, or your own despair. Your own abundance, or your own poverty. You no longer allow yourself the illusion that it’s because of where you were born, or what someone did, or didn’t do to you.
Sure, you recognize that these things happened to you, but you also recognize that they made you who you are today! You remember that this is the earth school. If you did not take those lessons you would not be who you are today. You would be something else, someone else, and that’s just not acceptable, because you love yourself deeply, exactly as you are.
Diversity is great. I’m proud of my race. While I also recognize that I am a universal soul. While I am a student of history I do not let his – story distract me from my story. My story is about abundant love, wealth, and good health. In my story I am part of a planetary awakening and everything I desire is coming to me, and when it comes to me it spurs new desires. And guess what? They are coming to me too!
For I know now that I am the creator of what I see. So even in the middle of a battle field I can choose to look at the death around me, and the invaders approaching, or I could keep my focus on the beauty of the children I could keep from harm, or put my focus on helping the injured. The choice is ALWAYS mine. See, others can create war, but only I can accept it in me. Even if the world accepted peace tomorrow, but I did not have it in me, then it would be useless to me.

Step Two:
“I lay to rest the life that was planned for me in my ignorance and freely choose to follow the life I am creating with the universe”.

We all individually grow up with a certain set of family and social environmental factors. They influenced who we are, however they do not have to influence who we will be, unless we consciously choose to let them. Somewhere along the lines we gave up our power to someone else. Perhaps they were bigger than us? Perhaps we feared their wrath? Perhaps we sort their safety? Often we plan one plan on top of the other, down a path we falsely feel will gain us security, or happiness. Later we see that it was an illusion.

A creator drops the story they planned while they were still under the illusion of lack. For now you are creating a new one based on freedom, and choice. You know that there is nothing you cannot be, do, or have. You know, as sure as the nose on your face, that it is also coming to you, and is just outside your door. A creator is a magnet for their desires, and because of the universal law of attraction the desires have no choice but to come to them!
We are all creating our universes. Some people for the better, some for the worse. We can create lives that are nightmares, or we can create a live of love, The choice is ours. Sometimes this is a conscious choice, and sometimes it is a subconscious choice.

Step Three:

I make a decision to turn my life over fully to my greatest good. I realize that the brighter my light

is allowed to be, the easier it is for others around me to find their own way.

A conscious creator has decided to turn his/her life over to their greatest good. The ultimate litmus test for a creator is, does what they are seeking at the moment stay in line with their highest ideals. Each creator’s greatest good may vary. For some it may be to give and receive love unconditionally. For others it might be to live abundantly.
They understand that when they are in alignment with their greatest good they will be able to be of the most service to themselves and others. For we are all watching each other, on many different levels. When our light shines it acts as a beacon to guide others. The brighter we shine our light, the easier it is for others to find their way out of their own darkness.
Since we are all one being, when you find your way out of the darkness it lights a way for me to do the same. When I do the same, we both are uplifted. Both of our light grows! Before long we are out of the darkness and on our way home.

Step Four:

I make a searching and fearless inventory of my true wants, and desires. I do this without judgment or accepting anyone else’s morals in place of my own. I know that there is nothing that I cannot be, do, or have.

We have total freedom. Our only limit is what we believe. For if you ask for something and expect it to come, the universe will deliver it to you! There is nothing that you cannot be, do, or have. We live in an abundant universe, but we misperceive it as being limiting. We focus on all the things we lack. The glass ceiling at work, the boy friend that won’t commit, the rent that’s due…etc.
Think what a wonderfully supportive world it really is. Remember that Source holds super clusters of galaxies together, spins us around our sun regularly every year to the second, and even causes each blade of grass to grow evenly with its neighbor. We are all part of this magnificent dance, and don’t think for a minute that you are alone, or that there is not help beyond your wildest dreams available to you.
All you need to do is begin by making an inventory of what exactly it is you are wanting. The keyword here is YOU, because you can only get into alignment with something that you are vibrating with currently. For example, you cannot get into alignment with Love, if you are vibrating at the level of Hate. The most you would be able to do is move your self up the Feeling Scale from Hate to Revenge. For revenge is actually a slightly higher vibration than hatred. Thus moving from hatred to revenge is actually a healthy step.

It is important to reflect here, that your wantings be your own. You are the creator of your universe. If you try and fit into someone else’s definition of something, you will inevitably fail. Remember, thoughts become things. When your thoughts are a vibrational match with love, you will experience that. However if they are a vibrational match with fear, then you will only see fearful situations come up in your life.

Step Five:

I admit to myself, and at least one other person, which of the fear based feeling states I habitually

get stuck in, and allow the universe to call me towards more loving ones.

Through my work with Abraham’s teaching, I have identified 10 Feeling States, which I described earlier in the book. A Feeling State is an emotion that we feel persistently, and strongly. There are hundreds of different emotions, but I have grouped them together into 10 groups. The idea is to move up this ladder of Feeling States one at a time. There is no need to jump ahead or to remain stuck.

10 Feeling States
1. Love / Joy
2. Happiness
3. Optimism
4. Contentment
5. Frustration
6. Blame
7. Anger
8. Revenge
9. Hatred/ Rage
10. Fear/ Despair/ Powerlessness

Once you have felt which of these states you are at you can begin to consciously move your Emotional Feeling State higher. You can do this by “deliberately intending”.
By deliberately intending you choose a thought that belongs to an Emotional Feeling State that is slightly higher than the one you are on.
So for example, if you are currently on Emotional Feeling State # 8 Revenge, because you have been physically abused by your husband, for a very long time, and you feel consumed with thoughts that you want to get him back. You can deliberately intend, and consciously choose a slightly higher thought such as “I am angry with you”, but without the need to seek out revenge.
Another example is going from the need to blame somebody for doing something hurtful to you, to being able to just allow the frustration, and pain, without attaching blame to it. I found it such a relief when I learned that I could do this. I would now be the one in control of my feelings!
Once I learned this I now had the power of manifestation. I was manifesting thoughts, and you can do this too. By holding focus on a thought we manifest a feeling, by holding focus on a feeling we manifest an Emotional Feeling State, by focusing on a Emotional Feeling State we shape our physical reality. To shape our physical reality we need to practice this Manifestation Focusing as much as possible. Start by practicing holding a single thought in focus.
Choose something that you would like to manifest in your life. Visualize it intensely. What does it look like, smell like, feel like…etc? Feel like you really have it right now. If you can, vocalize it out loud. Speak as if you have it already. Have fun, and see what happens next.

Some things may appear shortly, and some things may take repeated focusing. If you focus 10 times consciously on being worthy, but unconsciously focusing 1000 times that day on not being worthy, then you can see that your progress will be slow…But if you increase your worthy thoughts to 100 times a day, and decrease your unworthy thoughts to 100 times a day, then you stand a much better chance of vibrationally bringing the request to you, since each thought is vibrationally attracting things of like vibration to it.

Step Six:

I am ready to be one with the universe and all those around me. I accept the

responsibility and joy of being both a participant and co creator in the divine

manifestation of all that is.

When we learn how to manifest we realize the duality of the immense power we hold and the shear minuteness that our individual personality holds in All That Is. For as we come closer to fully understanding that we are one with everything, our individual self begins to disappear, and we begin to glimpse ourselves as part of a singularity, that I have come to know as “All That Is”. It goes by many names, God, Source Energy…etc. All these names represent the same thing.
There is also another type of duality to comprehend. There is a great responsibility to manifest the appropriate things into our lives. For we are husbands, daughters, and neighbors to many other souls. All who are equally deserving of fulfilling their wantings. Sometimes our desires will match those around us, and other times they will cause friction, even opposition in others. Such is the pain, but also the juice of life!
How can the immense ocean that is life contain so much? Is All That Is so vast that it contains all wantings? What will be your place in it? Are you ready to consciously co create? You’ve been unconsciously co creating all your life. Think of how wonderful it will be to choose what you want in life.

Step Seven:

“I am one with All That Is. The universe flows through and around me, and I physically feel it divinely manifesting”.
I am one in thought, and action with the universe. I have learned how to flow with it and to perceive its flow through me. I do not mean this figuratively. I mean you can actually feel universal energy flowing through the palm of your hand. If you sit still you can also feel it flow around you, and right through you.
You can begin to feel it by placing your hands in front of you. Leave about 6-12 inches between your two hands. Slowly begin moving them, further apart, and then back towards each other, and then further apart, and closer together again. Continue this slow movement until you begin to feel something between your hands. To some of you it will feel like a force, or ball of energy. To other people it will feel like a sensation such as heat, or a tingle.

Practice this daily, until you begin to feel it. This is the force that moves the big and small through out All That Is. Mastery of this step will allow you to manipulate energy, thus manipulating your manifestations. You can also heal with this power. Both yourself, and another. It is also possible for gatherings of creators to send energy to others regardless of distance, or even time/space.
Soon you come to see that All That Is is divinely manifesting. You see that not only you are manifesting perfectly for now, but so is the planet, and the cosmos…etc. This realization comes to you despite the outward realities of war, disease, and famine that you may see around you, or in the news.
You remember that we are eternal beings, eternally manifesting. We are forever increasing our vibration of light and source energy. Do not fear your present situation for it is transitory. Remember that by choosing a different thought you change your bio-chemical makeup, and the quality of energy you are emitting and working with. That energy will attract people and situations to you that are of like vibration.
Thus you can change any situation you find yourself in. By choosing a more loving thought you will divinely manifest the people, places, and things in your life that you have been desiring. The key is to maintain that vibration so that it becomes your dominant vibration.

Step Eight:

“I make a list of the actions I am taking to manifest all that I can be, do, or have”.
This step is pretty straight forward. You start by creating a list of actions you are taking to manifest all the things you desire. You are free to choose anything that you want to be, do, or have. Remember that thoughts become things. Be sure to choose thoughts, and actions that are towards your greatest good. Get rid of judgments about your worthiness or ability to attain these goals. For now, all you have to do is think the thought, or desire. That is your job. The job of the universe is to bring the people, places, and things to you.

Step Nine:

I take direct action on each unfolding of my desires. I realize that each fulfillment of a desire will give birth to another new desire.
As your chosen thoughts begin to manifest things into your life you will have the opportunity to choose new thoughts that are of similar or even higher frequency. If the thought is of a positive nature, you will continue to attract positive things. If the thought is of a negative nature, or lack, you will only attract negative things to you. Thus thoughts need to be chosen carefully.
What do you do with a negative thought? It is important not to try to stop a negative thought by force. No amount of will power can change a thought of lack. The only way to change it is by thinking a new thought that is of a higher frequency.

Keep in mind, that there is no source of evil, or darkness in the universe, there is only areas of lesser light. Everything is from the same Source. Things just vibrate at different frequencies. There are low frequencies, and high frequencies.
Your job is to continue to choose thoughts that are of higher and higher vibrations. Each fulfillment of a desire will give birth to a new desire. For example, you may desire to make $200,000 and have all that that brings, and once you’ve done that you may desire to make $1 million and have all that that brings…..etc.

Step Ten:

I lovingly create the world around me. I do not get stuck in feelings of lack. When I come upon them now, I simply and completely choose a more loving thought for myself.
Love is the prime directive. I do not mean the pie in the sky, always nice kind of love. Sometimes love is not kind. At least not on the surface, or to the person experiencing it. A loving reaction is sometimes letting go. So love can be a divorce, or even malignant cancer. For they are just passings from one reality, into another. We can hold tight to the life we know, or smile as we let it go, and witness the new becoming.
If you can maintain love in your thoughts your inner and outer world will begin to reflect it. It will not matter to you as much what others around you are choosing to create in their world. For you know we are all eternal beings lovingly co creating. The world around you at the moment can be calm, or chaotic. This will have little effect on you, because you are manifesting light from your own stream. You can be in a chaotic world, but you will only see the light.
The opposite is also true. Someone can be surrounded by love and not see it. In their world they see themselves as always being a victim. They are always lacking something. Lacking love, lacking money, lacking health….etc. The list of lacks can be endless, and as long as they are in their mind, lacking something, they will continue to attract more of that.
Understanding the 10 Feeling States is key here. Every thought that you choose has a frequency somewhere in one of the ten Feeling States. So if you find yourself thinking how you would like to pull someone’s hair out one root at a time, you might identify that as a thought corresponding with the Revenge feeling state. You can then choose a new thought to plant in it’s place. For example thinking a thought like I am still angry with them but I release my feelings of revenge and ask the universe to send them guidance, would be a step up in frequency, because I would be going from the feeling state of Revenge to the feeling state of Anger. The ultimate goal is to be able to send the person pure love, from a State of Joy, but we often have to crawl our way up the feeling scale.

Step Eleven:

Through prayer and meditation I seek to improve my conscious contact with God as I understand God, praying only for knowledge of my path.
You will need to maintain a regular prayer or meditation practice. This will allow you to keep a constant line of communication going between your personality and your soul. You are a tri-part being. You are made up of body, mind, and soul. All 3 units need to be properly communicating with each other for you to function healthily.
Your body reflects the quality of the thoughts you think. By properly meditating you are able to seek further clarity on fulfilling your desires. Your ancestors are waiting and willing to guide you. You are healing them when you are healing yourself. Each time you clear an issue that has blocked your light you will be clearing it for 7 generations backwards, and 7 generations forward.
Thus you can see that the universe loves and supports your every effort. So you not only change a pattern that affected your children, but you also heal it for your children’s children. You are such a lovely creator. Time after time my ancestors thank me for my efforts and aide me in deepening my communication with them.

Step Twelve:

Through having a spiritual awakening I carry my message to others and try to practice these principles in all my thoughts and deeds.
As your vibration increases and you become better, and better at attracting positive things into your life, you will be given a spiritual crisis to overcome. If you maintain your focus, strength, and integrity you will come out the other side, being reborn spiritually. However, if you retreat and do not transmute what you are working on, than you will repeat the lesson over again.
After all, is this not the earth school? We have come here to alchemically turn vibrations into physical things that our soul is wishing to manifest. For we can only love others to the level of love, we love ourselves at.
The spiritual awakening of discovering who we really are, and loving and supporting that, is the true test of spirituality. The greatest spiritual task is “Know Thyself”. Since time began seekers have sought spiritual experiences. Many have sought them without having gone through the dark night of the soul. It used to not be possible to avoid having to go through dark places. However now because of the new age we are in, spiritual awakening is not so far away.
Spiritual awakening is now available to those who ask for it. Do not be mistaken and think that this is easy, for it is not. You are still required to do the work, however you are not expected to go to a monastery on a mountaintop to find enlightenment. That work has already been done by our ancestors.
It is believed that the reason people are waking up in larger and larger numbers is because of those who did the work before us were vibrating at a higher level. Thus this new vibration we hold as a planet no longer requires us to do a long pilgrimage and renounce our worldly possessions.
Today, to have a spiritual experience we need to just sincerely ask for it. We then only need to wait for it, remembering to be careful not to block its return. If we can hold that vibration, of what we wanted, then we will attract it, and the universe will deliver it to us. Once it’s delivered to you, you then can generate a vibration that is of an even higher caliber.
We need to get rid of the idea of some ultimate state of enlightenment that leaves us in some permanent state of having every wish fulfilled. For as we attain something that we have been wanting, we begin to seek a new wanting, and the universe sets off on bringing that to us. It never ends, nor should it. Wanting leads to experiences and experiences lead to new wantings!

To findout more information about this or other information from my upcoming book :
 “Lover Over Fear - Thriving In A Time of Chaos” you may contact me on my facebook page.

Personal 1:1 Abundance Thinking Coaching is available to help you along the steps of the program. You can also gift a session for someone less fortunate.

We are all eternal beings lovingly co creating....

~ Kazi