Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 The Truth That Cannot Be Spoken Above A Whisper

Throughout history the elite have coalesced power by staging events to scare the populations of a given side, against the other side. The elite learned that you can finance both sides of a war, profit from the build up to war, and the fighting of the war, simply by staging events during peace time to bring the parties back to fighting, or give them ever new enemies to fight, and sources for you to collect money from.

The elite own all the major corporations, so not only do they get countries to loan money from them and thus owe them interest, but the money that the elite supposedly give to the country, just gets put into government contracts with the very corporations who are owned by the people who staged the war!

Corporatocracy is really a subgroup of the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy is made up of the families that own these large corporations and countries. The oligarchs are the ones who are really running the world. They are your true enemy. They like to try and fool you into fighting false enemies, like “the Muslims”, or “the communists”. All the while they fund those exact people to fight you too.

I submit to you that every event that has led our country into war has been staged by the same elite families; from the sinking of the Lusitania to the World Trade Center on 9/11. There are many excellent books and videos about the events that took place on September 11th, 2001. I will not try in this book to cover every one of them. I believe, however the following summarizes the highlights of the problems with the official story of the government and the 9/11 Commission. Some of the items in this list you may have heard about, some you may not have. ALL of them have been well researched…

Loose Change Documentary ( Full Cut )

1. The seeds of 9/11 go back to the 1980’s - 90’s.The World Zionist Organization
and the Israeli Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu, principally Richard
Perle, Douglas Feith, and David Wurmser ( remember those names ).
They published a document called: “Clean Break, A New Strategy For Securing The Realm”. Which called for cutting off peace talks, launching military assaults on Palestine, and getting rid of Saddam Hussein.

Many of the authors of this document somehow make their way from Israel over
to the United States and are given top positions in the US Government. Like
Rahm Emanuel, later, in the Obama administration, they are somehow given
“Duel Citizenship” status, and advanced roles in the American government.
Richard Perle becomes head of The Defense Policy Board.
Douglas Feith, Under Secretary, Defense Policy Board.
David Wurmser, Chief Middle East Advisor.
They all help draft the next document I will tell you about.

2. Neo Cons ( right wing conservatives ) who rose to power under president Ronald
Reagan, together with Perle, Feith, and Wurmser during the first Bush administration formulate a document and plan called “The Project For A New American Century”, also called the PNAC Report. In it they outline that America needs to increase it’s military presence around the world, and to preemptively strike other countries before they become too powerful. They particularly mention the middle east. The result will be that America will be able to maintain their dominance and control of vital resources. Oil is specifically mentioned. The document warns that this will take very long, unless there is a “new pearl harbor”.

3. The attack on the world trade center on 9/11/2001 would be used as that “pearl
harbor”. You may have wondered why George Bush Jr. stood on the top of the deck of that aircraft carrier when the troops had just chased out Saddam Hussein, with the whole war still ahead of him, and pronounced “mission accomplished”? Now you know why. His mission was accomplished! In fact it turns out, that the plans for removing Saddam Hussein where on president Bushes desk on September 10th, 2001.

The Truth About 9/11

4. There were many other preparations put in place before the attacks. To get a full
Understanding you have to look not only at what Al-Qaeda was doing, but also at the above players, now firmly in power in the American government. Sometimes you have to read behind the lines. CIA and Al-Qaeda ties go back many years. Osama Bin Laden was on the CIA payroll for many years, and carried out missions for them against middle east neighbors. In fact it is said that Al–Qaeda was funded by the CIA and put in place to do two things. To launch operations against American ( CIA ) enemies, and to act as a boogeyman in the American press, to justify funding the military establishment and the agenda of PNAC. In other words, to act in the interest of the banking families who own the corporations that get the contracts, and loan money to countries. Wars bring countries increasingly into more and more debt.

Media As A Weapon

The CIA tracked ( or monitored ) each of the so called hijackers before 9/11. One managed to bumble things so badly that he got himself picked up. Yet the real plot was never exposed. The stories of the other 19, mostly Saudi, so called highjackers are very bizarre. I say so called because some of them are still showing up alive and back home in the middle east walking around. It is said that Israeli Mossaud intelligence stole the 19 highjackers identities. Some of their wallet ids seemed to miraculously survive the incineration of the world trade center collapse and float down for investigators to find during the first few days of the clean up and investigation ? It was also amazing how fast our government had all 19 identities, backgrounds, and photos sent to the news media in really no time at all.

The World Trade Center was always publicly owned. A man named Larry Silverstein, however was somehow given the right to purchase it. Larry is a long time Zionist and billionaire with ties to Israel. He mysteriously worked out a sweetheart deal where he only had to pay a few million dollars for the multiple buildings, and quickly took out several billion dollars worth of insurance on them. Along with the clause that if the buildings were blown up by terrorists he would get twice as much.

Out - Foxed : Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism

Guess who he hired to be in charge of security? President Bush’s brother, Marvin Bush. Then weeks before the attack, they decide to shut down the buildings for “renovations”. The planners of 9/11 had a problem still. They had the technology since 1984 to remotely fly airplane jetliners into buildings, but the jet fuel, and building materials only burn to a few hundred degrees, however steal, which the buildings were made of, only melts and weakens at several thousand degrees.

An explosive would need to be added, but very few can burn that hot, except for something called Thermite. The debris field at ground zero was full of weapons grade nano thermite. In fact pools of molten metal were found only under the three buildings that collapsed. This is a by product of a nano thermite reaction. A chemical that is only able to be developed in state of the art American military labs. It’s not found anywhere else in the world. How was it delivered to The World Trade Center? Remember those renovations? Turns out that nano thermite can be sprayed on, like paint.

There were many manipulations going on, just prior to the buildings being pulled. Pulled means a controlled demolition. Silverstein admitted it when he was being questioned about building #7. He said “that’s why we had to pull the building”. Then his globalist friends got to him, and a few days later he took his statement back. Seemed he slipped and said too much.

Larry Silverstein Saying "We Decided To Pull The Building"

Stocks where being manipulated too. Massively in the days before the attack. As if some people in Wall Street knew that certain companies related to the airline industry was about to take a big hit. Goldman Sachs was not the only ones seeming to have inside information, even companies held by government officials were being sold as if they knew something was coming.

On the day of 9/11 inside information abounded around Washington. George Bush was sent out of town to go read to elementary school children, so that Dick Chaney would have a free hand to manage the events of the day. Chaney had an intimate knowledge of “the darkside” of PNAC and the military industrial complex, going back through several administrations. He needed to be at the helm for those minute by minute decisions. Like keeping those fighter jets far away until they are needed, like the one that shot down flight 93 over Pennsylvania only after the passengers had retaken control of the plane. Records show that Cheney was up early that day and sped to the underground command center.
There were a lot of people that morning who knew something. Someone called congressmen and told them not to come in. Someone called over 4,000 Jewish employees and told them to not come in also.

Rumsfeld Admitting Flight 93 Was Shot Down

5. Same thing at the Pentagon. The “so called” plane only hit the side of the building
that was under renovation. Conveniently, Rumsfeld and crew were clear on the
on the other side of the building. It’s very mysterious how with all the video
cameras around the highest security building in the world, they will only show
us one blurry image of something white hitting the building.

Private businesses in the area had video footage, but the government came and
took it from them, and never returned any of it. Same thing with all the audio
tape from the cock pit black boxes. Some they kept, some they ripped up. No
reason given, and no disciplining of the people who shredded it.

It does not even seem likely that a plane hit the Pentagon at all. The plane,
particularly the engine, was never found in the building. In fact the hole that
was originally made in the building was too small for it to have been the
commercial airliner that they say it was. Experienced pilots have said that THEY
could not even have flown into the pentagon the way they claimed this plane did.
They also point to the fact that there is no ground dug up in front of the building,
which surely would have happened if a plane that size was coming in from a
banked turn at a high rate of speed. Nothing, that is not computer guided, could
have hit the building so cleanly.

6. Problem – Reaction – Solution: The attack on the world trade center, put together
by the Neo Cons and the former Israeli Likud Zionists would be very profitable for their financial masters, the international banking families, because remember how the elite make money; by selling wars. The problem: “Terrorism”, gets sold to the American people through the media machine the elite own. The reaction is that we willingly give up our freedoms for a ( false) sense of security. The solution then gets to be incrementally stepped up to tyranny…Full control…Full Spectrum Dominance by a small elite…and the whole world will be swallowed up in it before they can do anything about it!

7. Once they control everything they can turn up the tyranny. They can collapse economies and get us to work more and more for them. They can poison us. They can imprison us. All without trial. For they are now, judge (regulators), jury (press) and executioner ( law enforcement ). Their minions cycle around and back again, from the corporate world, to lobbyists, to government regulators, then back again to the corporate world….etc.

The secret that cannot be spoken above a whisper is that if we ever had a government, it's long since gone. 9/11 was an inside job. Americans and Israelis inside both governments killed over 3,000 Americans that day...Have sent over 4,000 American soldiers to their deaths, 60,000 to a life of VA hospitals and blew up over 1.5 million Iraqi men, women, and children and dislocated many millions more. All for empire, money, and the oil that comes with it.

And they aren't done yet.... They want Iran...and they want YOU and your children. They will take it all if you don't stand up now. Make no mistake about it. This is the 59th minute of the 11th hour. It's up to you. Do you click this off and put on a music video, or do you do something? That's all it takes to begin with. You doing some action. Sharing this link, joining an organization, or simply saying I will not comply anymore....

Speak the truth...LOUD....It's our greatest weapon...

Stop The Machine Now


  1. Excellent article, condensing important information to create a very startling picture of what is happening in the world today.

  2. Love this Kazi! You're the best! So true too! ♡♡sending afifi love from NC♡♡

  3. Love this Kazi! You're the best! So true too! ♡♡sending afifi love from NC♡♡

  4. Very informative information!! Thank you. #speakyourtruth #911NF
